MOE assures that schools ensure well-being of students under police investigations

With the police issuing a statement on the tragic death of young Benjamin Lim, the Ministry of Education (MOE) have also commented on the controversy, stating that schools here have an obligation to cooperate with the police. 

14-year-old Lim was found dead at the foot of his HDB block after he was questioned by the police over allegations of molesting a girl. Outrage ensued over the fact that the young boy was unaccompanied by his parent or guardian during the interrogation, and also about the fact that the experience might have traumatised him enough to take his own life. 

In response to media queries, MOE stated that schools cannot stand in the way of law, but will do everything in their power to ensure the well-being of its students if they assist with police investigations. 

Various protocols are also already in place in the case where students need to assist with investigations. The identities of police officers need to be ascertained, and the school will speak to its students before the police’s turn with them. Other measures include ensuring that the student has something to eat and the parent or guardian be contacted before leaving with the police. 

MOE also assured that schools have a duty of care to its students regardless of whatever sticky situation they may be involved in. 

MOE’s statement comes after the Singapore Police Force informed the media that they’ll be reviewing their interview procedures involving minors — whether an appropriate adult should be present while the interrogation is conducted. 

Benjamin’s parents have previously expressed their utter disappointment over the response by North View Secondary School authorities to The Online Citizen. Apparently, the boy had been looking forward to attending a school camp — but was promptly told by the school that he could not join in after getting involved in police investigations. His mother believed that the rejection contributed to his decision to take his own life, as it was the last thing he heard before doing so. 

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