President Obama and PM Lee to mark 50 years of diplomatic ties in White House state dinner

Looks like Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s gonna need pimp up his attire — US President Barack Obama has personally invited the Singaporean statesman to a state dinner at the White House this August. 

State dinners aren’t trivial affairs too — it’s considered to be the highest diplomatic honour the White House can give as a celebration of consular ties between the United States and the invitee. 

According to the White House, the two leaders will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of bilateral relations between the two countries that has apparently “served as an anchor for the US rebalance to Asia”. 

This would be the first time PM Lee has been honoured with a state dinner at the White House. His dad — the late founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew — is no stranger to such occasions, having attended at least three of them in his lifetime. 

While feasting on the lavish nosh that can rack up to US$572,187 (for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who didn’t even eat because he was fasting), they’ll also discuss the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, the Islamic State and the Paris Climate agreement come Aug 2. 

“I look forward to the visit,” said PM Lee. “It will mark the progress we have made, especially with this Administration. It will also be a chance to see how we can build on our friendship beyond the November US elections.” 

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