WATCH: Preetipls’ series is the social media influencer satire we have all been longing for

Ironically, when Preetipls did an awesomely absurd parody of that cringe-y Orchard Road fashion police video, the hilarious host might as well have become an influencer herself, from the crazy volume of adoration she received. 

It’s easy to see why — she’s helped by ingenious dubsmash duo youtiao666, whose one of many viral clips include imitating sirens. Encouraged by the popularity of their #forthelulz video, it seems they’re making the premise into a series on YouTube, with two more episodes out since then.

This is how life has changed for Preetipls: 

Here’s one that they just released yesterday — a day in the life of the newly-crowned lifestyle and beauty vlogger. Trigger warning for illuminati symbols, detergent face wash, sponsored products, Mr Pickles references and literally trashy #OOTDs. 

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