Real estate group Huttons Asia responds after alleged identity of “F*** you, it’s only a dog” lady revealed

In the wake of the horrible incident involving Sayang the dog, internet sleuths quickly unearthed the alleged identity of the lady who ran over the animal and drove off after insulting the concerned folks who confronted her. 

First, a refresher. Last Sunday, a driver ran over a dog that had snuck out of the Animal Lovers League shelter at Pasir Ris Farmway 3. When shelter volunteers asked her to stop and help the injured dog, the lady driver replied “it’s just a dog, fuck you” before driving off. Later on, her son allegedly called up Animal Lovers League and vehemently defended his mother, implying that the witnesses were lying

We won’t be revealing her name (it’s the internet, you can find out for yourselves), but apparently the callous driver is a real estate agent under the Huttons Asia group. As the internet is wont to do, they went for the closest thing available to pester… and downvoted the Huttons Asia Facebook page to oblivion. 

The thing is, internet vigilantes found the registered owner of the offending vehicle — but it’s unclear if she was the one who was behind the wheel during the incident. 

In any case, Huttons Asia is bearing the full brunt of the case,  which may or may not involve their agent in the first place. Without confirming anything, the real estate group assured users that they’re in touch with Animal Lovers to clarify things.

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